GEN GAME MODEL 150 150 admin

Development of the multigenerational cooperation’s efficiency


„We love to think, that the olders are good, and the youngsters should change, but the truth is that, everbydody should change.Mutual prejudices can cause much serious conflicts and without clearing and dissolving them, stayes as a „bubble”. This way some people may work between „landmines” when not admitting that they are not victims: they also have rules as an agressor.”Annamária Tari: #yz Generations online (Tercium, 2015)

Our generation specialist, Andi Lerf has been doing researches since more than five years, and she experienced that if people would be opened to each other, if they would get to know the different generations’s methods, and discover the potential hubs then the effect of the generations synergy could come true. This could mobilize incredible resources in a team or even in the life of the whole company. We created this program in order to make this goal happen.

What kind of advantages can be reached by the program?

  • Effective cooperation between the different generations
  • Employee engagement increases, fluctuation decreases
  • More efficient internal and external client communications
  • More efficient and faster organizationof work and working
  • The level of trust increases, conflicts decrease
  • The integration of the young colleagues become faster and easier

The structure of the program based on the GEN GAME model:

Gen game model

The lead-time of the program:

Part of the program Duration Place/Realization
Generation microscope 2 weeks made by an expert
Engagement and starting 1,5 hours at a place prefered by the company
Need to look closer! 1 day (8 hours) external place
Generation acceptance 6 weeks online platform, offline excercises
Assertive communication 1 day (8 hours) external place
Everyday practice playfully 6 weeks online platform, offline excercises
Effectively together! 4 hours + 6 weeks
+ 1,5 hours
at a place prefered by the company + online



This program is recommended:

  • For those teams where colleagues with different ages work together, and the cooperation does not always happen without trouble/problem
  • For newly set uo and reorganized teams
  • Beginning project organizations
  • For colleagues, whose cooperation is important in their working progress
  • Leadership groups
  • Employees in the field of HR
  • For colleagues working in the field of client management or sales, whose way of communication is important not only because of their own team but it can also help dealing with clients of different age.

Possible other results and effects of the program might be:

  • Better mood, atmosphere
  • Easier transfer of knowledge, support of each other, two-way mentoring
  • Teambuilding and team-cohesion is strengthened
  • Standing out of the generation comfort zone enhances openess toward each other
  • New, and special training experience
  • Results and recognition, which are useful for the participants not only at the workplace, but even in the private life

For more information and personalized offer contach the program leader professional:

Bite Barbara
business, coach, tréner, management consultant, CEO
mobil: +36-20-981-5871




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