Posts By :

Siklós Barbi

Baptism by Fire 685 450 Siklós Barbi

Baptism by Fire

My first steps as a Future Leader We had a deadline. Like 10 hours ahead of us. We had to submit a new version of the software we were developing by midnight. Texas time. In Budapest it’s 7am – the…

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BEING A leader IN THE FUTURE 400 275 Siklós Barbi


How does your leadership education looks like in the next 10 years?

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Misunderstood emotional intelligence: leaders see well only with the heart? 770 263 Siklós Barbi

Misunderstood emotional intelligence: leaders see well only with the heart?

Mirror, mirror… In 2014, we had a survey where we asked young leaders, what they thought it would be worthwhile to improve to be better and more conscious leaders. We were very surprised when emotional intelligence came almost to the…

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