
GEN GAME MODEL 150 150 admin


Development of the multigenerational cooperation’s efficiency   „We love to think, that the olders are good, and the youngsters should change, but the truth is that, everbydody should change.Mutual prejudices can cause much serious conflicts and without clearing and dissolving…

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Group coaching by action learning for women 630 450 admin

Group coaching by action learning for women

The goal and actuality of the development The Lean In movement- founded by Sheryl Sandberg, the Facebook’s CFO- inspired us to organize such a group coaching opportunity where working women can share their experiences, failures, successes, practices and knowledge in…

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Our business is internationally accessible, as well 635 450 admin

Our business is internationally accessible, as well

Zsofia Juhasz ACC I am passionate about enabling people to achieve fulfilment and balance on both a personal and professional level. My focus is on guiding leadership potential towards achieving both individual and business success. I’m ACC credentialed coach with…

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