Case study: Go with the Flow

Case study: Go with the Flow

Case study: Go with the Flow 770 445 admin

In the next section of our case study I asked Mary to put me into her last interesting coaching session: she told me about her experience when even she as a coach could feel the flow-experience during the coaching process.

The lady, the protagonist of the case knew Mary from a previous training therefore they could attube to each other easily. The coachee had a good insight of her values: she arrived with a clear goal which was experiencing her feminity. They could easily move toward her goal thanks to the already existing atmosphere of trust between them and to her outstanding consciousness.

Very interesting thing in this case is that the rythm of the lady was very fast: she arrived with ready facts, because she has been investing energy in achieving her goals since a long time (doing feminity boosting sports) at the same time she did not feel having achieved the desired goal.

She was working on her own history during the coaching, so it was possible to work with her in a direct way. She let the questions have an effect on her, and as a result of that she was able to recognise and to link her previous experiences together.

During the process she realised her self ambiguity: besides her success, determination, ambition and result-oriented way of being in the workplace she was aspiring to live her feminity also.

At the end of the coaching, the client determined milestones on which she would like to pay more attention in order to leave behind this ambiguity and to realize that we are the same person both in the worplace and in our personal life.

Looking back to the procedure, Mary told me that it was very exiciting to experience the way the coachee was able to link the „paths” achieved by herself to the feedbacks given by Mary during the coaching.

This spectacle lies in the dynamics and the importance of the „brought material”, since if there is already something to rely on, we can easily reach the realization and the aimed solution step-by-step, moving horizontally and vertically between the depths and the topics. The uniqueness of this case is that the fast and fluent progress led to recognition in the client, and to unique flow-experience in Mary that she remembered happily during the interview.

Annamária Tóth and Zita Csaba


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